Monday, November 11, 2013

The cold season has arrived...

As soon as last week's post was up, Charlie started going downhill.  The poor guy had a fever for two days, had a nice cough and is finally gaining an appetite and is on the mend.  Luckily, Ben hasn't shown any signs of getting sick…(knocking on wood now.) So I'll start with a pic of little Benji…because this week has been all about the first child.  

super star of the week
Yes…we let him enjoy Ben's binky collection for the week. Poor guy.
So with a sick 2 year old…what do you do?  We cancelled two days of preschool and one day of music class, let him sleep in our bed as needed and REALLY tried to find something to entertain him around the house.  Oy.  So THANK YOU Mimi for coming to the rescue on Thursday afternoon and visiting us for an extended time.  It truly made every one's week.

He did a lot of this during the week…thanks Mimi & Bubba.
Cartoons in the office...
Kicking Mom out of bed…but resting peacefully
Watching squirrels with Mimi
Charlie was itching to get out of the house and run around after being cooped up all on Saturday we finally let him run loose out in the yard.  We raked leaves, watched big city trucks out on the street and had lunch on the deck (with a lady bug.)  Ah…the simple things in life. 

Sick Charlie = 'SO SWEET TO HIS BROTHER' Charlie

A good half hour of fun.


Happy to report that Ben has hit the 18 lb. mark (50% percentile across the board) and is starting to get more mobile.  Not yet crawling but the guy can roll anywhere he wants and is starting to get a bit more vocal. 

Hope the family is well.  Happy Veterans Day to Bubba and Grandpa Jay.  Thank you for all that you do!!

Have a great week! 

1 comment:

  1. The boys are adorable! And Ben seems to changing with every new day! Thanks for the update.
