Sunday, November 17, 2013

The week of brotherly love

To my Dad…hope these pictures boost your spirits a little.  Feel better soon!!  

The thing that I AM LOVING this week is how much more the boys interact with each other as Ben gets bigger and bigger.  He has started to say "Dadadadada" over and over…and Charlie often runs into the kitchen yelling "Momma, Momma. B is talking to me!"  Charlie can't wait to wake Ben up from his naps, feed him solid food with the spoon (oy.) and hand him toys.  And even Ben is starting to get a kick out of his big brother…evidenced by a lot of laughter coming from the little guy.

We had our first snow of the year on Monday…and finished the week with a tornado warning.  I LOVE living in the "Midwest."       

Nothing better than waking up to snow.
Bringing him back inside was next to impossible. 
Charlie taking over Ben's new toy
The highlight of Charlie's week was easily the "BALL FACTORY"…a new play place here in Naperville where kids can run and run and run.  They have kid sized tractors to ride, a ball pit and huge slides/jungle gyms for the kids to explore.  AWESOME right??  Well…yeah, once I got over the price to get in ($9 a kid) and the crazy fear of germs that overcomes me every time I see thirty other kids running around (coughing and slobbering!)  He was so tired after we went the first time, he slept for 3 hours. (HEAVEN!) So of course, we went again. 

Two types of kids in the pit: the ones who jump and the ones who disappear.  Hmmm.
Brotherly love…Charlie wanted to nap with Ben (or just take his binky) 
Highlight of Mom's week.  Watching Charlie with Joe. 

Crossing his legs like Dad  (Excuse the mess.)
And watching cartoons like Dad

Highlight of Ben's week.  Discovering the baby in the mirror and playtime with his big brother.  Oh wait…these are my highlights as well!  

This kid went crazy for his reflection
Playtime…in our almost cleaned up front room
And Dad's highlight…I'm guessing here.  Must of been taking the boys to Choo Choo Johnny's for a train-inspired lunch date.  More like…Joe chasing a wildly excited Charlie around the restaurant as he discovered all of the games/trains. I gladly held Ben when we walked into that place and didn't let him go.  Sorry Joe. 

Well that was our week.  Glad to hear that this blog has been successful at letting our friends and family peek into our daily lives.  Have a great week everyone. Thanks for visiting!   


  1. Love it! Can't wait to see the boys and get everybody talking to each other :) I think we need to field trip in Naperville when we visit. Jake is interested in the ball pit place and I think George would LOVE the train restaurant!!!!
